Pebble EBD Critiques
The Pebble Environmental Baseline Document (EBD) is a 27,000+ page report including some of the environmental and social data collected by over 40 consultants for the Pebble Limited Partnership (PLP) between 2004-2008 in study areas within the Bristol Bay and Cook Inlet regions. The document can be viewed by chapter at the offical site of the Pebble developers. Read more …
Reports (PDF)
- A Review of Pebble Limited Partnership
Environmental Baseline Documents: Instream and off-channel habitat distribution and modeling.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Piotr Parasiewicz,
Rushing Rivers Inc. Amherst, MA,
June 2012
- Critique of Pebble Limited Partnership's Seismic Hazard Assessment, Dr. Bretwood Higman, Ground Truth Trekking
- Assessing Reliability of Pebble Limited Partnership's Salmon Escapement Studies, 06/27/2012
- Review of Pebble Limited Partnership’s (PLP’s) Environmental Baseline Document (EBD): Hydrologic characterization, 05/25/2012
- A Review of PLP Environmental Baseline Documents: Water Quality, 05/24/2012
- Review of Pebble Limited Partnership’s Environmental Baseline Document (EBD): Geochemical characterization, 05/18/2012
- A Review of PLP Environmental Baseline Documents: Resident fish and juvenile salmon habitat, distribution and assemblage, 05/15/2012
- A Review of PLP Environmental Baseline Documents: Aquatic Macroinvertebrates (Bristol Bay Drainages), 05/11/2012