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Commercial Fisheries

offloading salmon on to a tender boat

Salmon Harvest

Prepared by Dr. Carol Ann Woody, Fisheries Research and Consulting,

In contrast to salmon declines elsewhere (link to a new salmon status page), in 2009, over 40 million wild salmon returned to Bristol Bay, Alaska (Figure 1).

Watersheds and communities (white dots) of Bristol Bay, Alaska

Figure 1. Watersheds and communities (white dots) of Bristol Bay, Alaska.

Commercial fishers celebrated their 125th consecutive year of fishing, netting 32.36 million salmon, 30.90 million of which were sockeye salmon (ADFG 2009). Bristol Bay is one of the most valuable commercial fisheries in the U.S. (Burgner 1991; NMFS 2010) and is one of the few certified as sustainable (MSC 2009).  During 1950 to 2008, U.S. commercial sockeye salmon landings were valued at about $7.9 billion dollars with about half that value attributed to Bristol Bay stocks (Figure 2).

Annual landed value of salmon in the United States, 1950-2008
Figure 2. Annual landed value of salmon in the United States, 1950-2008. Data from; graph courtesy of R. Hilborn, University of Washington.


salmon gillnetting
sockeye and chinook salmon
herring seining

Herring Harvest

For 2008, projected ex-vessel value of the Togiak herring fishery was $2.6 million. Information from ADF&G News Release 7/22/2008.

The largest aggregation of herring in Alaska spawns along the northern shore of Bristol Bay, near the village of Togiak. A large purse seine and gillnet fishery harvests the spawning herring in a sac roe fishery

Sac Roe

Annual average harvest of 20,294 worth $6.5 million during 1987.

Spawn on Kelp

A spawn-on-kelp harvest is also taken, primarily by local residents, usually
in Togiak Bay. Annual average harvest of 167,000 lb. with an ex-vessel worth of $281,000 during 1987-2006

Bait Fishery

Following spawning, the Togiak herring migrate clockwise around Bristol Bay, and are taken in the food/bait fishery off of Dutch Harbor in July. These herring then migrate along the shelf edge to spend the fall and winter in
the general vicinity of the Pribilof Islands.

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Herrin a pound enclosure to spawn on kelp
herring roe on kelp

Crab Harvest

The 2007 Bristol Bay harvest of red crab was 13.9 million an ex-vessek value of $48 million.

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